Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday, Monday

 You can't have this much fun shopping on Amazon.

Some Mondays live up to their name, and it’s possible that today, I did have “a case of the Mondays.”  To cheer me up, this evening I made sure to take the opportunity to do a little sewing.  I made three onesies this evening, and one of them has a springtime color theme.  I honestly prefer my standard blue/pink/green color scheme; however, I was genuinely happy with the way this one turned out.  Not a bad way to end a Monday.

custom onesies


  1. I LOVE the owl & pussycat fabric!! do you have a plan for it??

  2. No plans yet...The only fabrics I "collect" is anything Heather Ross. So I actually have a bunch of her stuff that's currently too cute to cut.
